Installing from a USB Drive

How to Install WriteItNow from USB on a PC

Place the USB in the PC

 Open Windows Explorer to view the USB drive, by holding down the Windows key (this is between CTRL and ALT on the bottom left of the keyboard. While the Windows key is held down press the E key.

 Windows Explorer then shows the drives on the PC. One of the drives is the USB drive with the WriteItNow 6 program.

Double click on the USB drive. Windows Explorer shows the programs on the USB drive.

Double click on the file install.exe

When the installer is running follow the on-screen prompts.

 Unlock using the printed details that came with the USB

    How to Install WriteItNow from USB on a Mac

    Place the USB in the Mac.

    The USB Drive appears on the desktop.

    Double click on drive.

    Double click on install.dmg

    The installer is shown.

    Double click on the installer and follow the prompts.

     Unlock using the printed details that came with the USB

    The USB Version


    The USB version has the PC and Mac versions of WriteItNow 6 plus the 300 page PDF manual.